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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Finally Accomplish Your Weight Loss Goals

For many of us, just thinking about what we need to do to accomplish our goals is very overwhelming. It almost makes you want to give up before you have even started, which in turn reduces self- confidence even more. But, if we take action and succeed then our confidence will grow. However, most of us can't quite seem to take action until our confidence has grown; it's a catch 22.

Think about the intimidating obstacle of lumping up your entire fitness goal into a single huge giant step. Now I don't know about you, but it gives me an instant headache just thinking about it.

That is the reason you must break your weight-loss goal into multiple, smaller, measurable steps.For example, say you want to lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks. You can reasonably set your goal to lose 5 pounds a week. Doing this you won't have to think about losing the whole 20 pounds at once, nor do you start thinking about all that you have not accomplished.

Instead you will be completely focused on the much smaller more manageable task of losing 5 pounds per week. This can give you a tremendous feeling of accomplishment and control for each step forward you take.

Even with ups and downs in your progress, you will start to feel great confidence in the first couple weeks of your goal. You will be more determined to get to the next step and put all your effort in your weight loss program.

As you accomplish each goal your fear will eventually dissipate and you will start to have a newfound confidence in yourself. What you once thought to be impossible is suddenly in reach because you attacked it one step at a time.

Measure your progress.

If you want lasting success you must always measure your progress. Goals help you know where you are going, but measuring your success overtime will help you realize how far you've come. You will always feel accomplished and your confidence will grow with each additional step forward.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Weight Training Program

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Weight Training Program

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