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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

List of Low Glycemic Foods For Weight Loss and Health

If you prepare a list of low glycemic foods you will be surprised to see that most of the food stuff on the list will be nature's gift to mankind. Be it vegetables, fruits and nuts and so on are all what nature has bestowed on us. It is we who have depleted and abused the natural resources for our own selfish reasons. Physicians have prepared diet plans for weight loss as well as diabetes and the list of low glycemic foods is the only way to good health.

Here is what a general list of low glycemic foods consists of:

Fresh fruits like papaya, pears, grape fruit, plums and oranges. You can also make juices out of these fruits and drink so as to maintain the mineral and vitamin content in your body. The list of foods vegetables are broccoli, greens, lettuce, cucumber, egg plant, green peas, spinach, zucchini, tomatoes, cauliflower, asparagus and so on. Any vegetable that is not a root vegetable like potato is good as low glycemic foods. Potatoes are high in starch and that is neither good for weight loss, heart attack or diabetes. So try avoiding this veggie.

Low fat milk, yoghurt, soy foods, peanuts, peppers, peanuts, legumes, artichoke can also be added to the list foods. Try to avoid eating tinned food that has preservatives. Also avoid ready to eat food stuff. Put in a little effort to prepare your own meals daily. That should help you in reducing weight as well as keep your blood sugar in control. South Beach diet, Atkins diet are all popular diets that have list of these foods.

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